The only way to stop failing is by standing up, guide yourself, ask for advice, and step forward. In other words, the more you fail the more experiences and teachings you will gather. Giving up after failing once or twice does not entitle you to say "I tried my best." Why not instead try a 1000 times and see the results.
Currently, my two business partners and I are trying to find ways to overcome the difficulties money can bring when pursuing greatness – who said becoming rich or making a lot of money didn't come with great sacrifices? Failing is the first step and if you are failing right now by doing something that is not your own, you are going to keep failing for the rest of your life. Let me ask you something, do you want to follow someone forever or would you like to implement your own ideals and goals and then, share those with other people who think like you? Find a way to balance things because pursuing greatness does come with a lot of sacrifices and if you are married or have a girlfriend, be prepared; things might not turn out to be the way you were expecting. Anyway, I am here to tell you about my failures in life and hopefully you will gain inspiration from them and see how trying does bring you hope and great opportunities. In the mean time, please let me know if you need any guidance for translation services, Japanese connections in NY or click here to just say hi. Thanks and hope you enjoy! Hector Quintanilla