Copyright Information
All pages and graphics on this web site are the property of the company There are cases where the use of outside material such as pictures might be used. By this, we give 100% acknoledge the person or company that created used image, video.
Pages, code or other content from may not be redistributed or reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the written permission of the writer. As later this letter will have to be sent to the website provider, Weebly.
Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.
Linking to Web site may link to any of the pages on However, pages from may not be embedded in a frame from the referring site, without the written permission of is provided without warranty of any kind. There are no guarantees that use of the site will not be subject to interruptions. All direct or indirect risk related to use of the site is borne entirely by the user. All code provided by is provided as examples without warranties to performance, fitness, merchantability, and/or any other warranty (whether expressed or implied). may contain inaccuracies or errors. makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the site or its contents. If you discover that the site or its contents contains errors, please contact us so these can be corrected. Your support is appreciated.
Contact address:
contact at
If you don't agree with the terms above, please feel free to direct yourself to another website. By reading this you agree to have understood and accepted all the information on this page.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hector Quintanilla
All pages and graphics on this web site are the property of the company There are cases where the use of outside material such as pictures might be used. By this, we give 100% acknoledge the person or company that created used image, video.
Pages, code or other content from may not be redistributed or reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the written permission of the writer. As later this letter will have to be sent to the website provider, Weebly.
Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.
Linking to Web site may link to any of the pages on However, pages from may not be embedded in a frame from the referring site, without the written permission of is provided without warranty of any kind. There are no guarantees that use of the site will not be subject to interruptions. All direct or indirect risk related to use of the site is borne entirely by the user. All code provided by is provided as examples without warranties to performance, fitness, merchantability, and/or any other warranty (whether expressed or implied). may contain inaccuracies or errors. makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the site or its contents. If you discover that the site or its contents contains errors, please contact us so these can be corrected. Your support is appreciated.
Contact address:
contact at
If you don't agree with the terms above, please feel free to direct yourself to another website. By reading this you agree to have understood and accepted all the information on this page.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Hector Quintanilla